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[Wish] Support Windows 7 taskbar progress indicators   [Wish]

By: Martijn Coppoolse   Homepage   Voorburg, NL  
Date: Nov 03,2010 at 18:36

It would be very handy if ZTreeWin supported Windows 7's new abilities for the task bar button:

Using the ITaskBastList3 interface, ZTreeWin's taskbar button could indicate whether it was respectively:
- idle,
- busy (the spinner is working)
- busy with progress (Ctrl-Copy, Ctrl-Move, etc),
- paused (an error popped up and it's waiting for user response or a timeout),
- errored (an error occurred that isn't handled by the multiple-response handler)


All this is possible with two function calls on the ITaskbarList3 interface:
SetProgressState and SetProgressValue.

It would allow ZTreeWin to show its status while it's minimized; which is especially handy for long actions.

I'm wondering if this would be hard to incorporate...?


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