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[Q] Sort files into random sequence?   [Q]

By: Ian Binnie   Homepage   Sydney  
Date: Dec 21,2010 at 05:01
In Response to: [Q] Sort files into random sequence? (Leonard R. Miller)

> I have a list of files which I want to copy to another drive. But I
> want them to have a random sequence and I see that Ztree doesn't offer
> that.

> Any way I can generate a list of unique integers?

As Ben has pointed out, random does not mean unique.
If you want to order a list apparently randomly, then you could create a checksum from the names, and sort from this. CRC-16 is a simple algorithm, and should be "random" enough.

Unless you are copying files to a FAT drive, this will be a waste of time.
FAT orders entries as they are created, all other file systems perform some ordering.

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