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[ZEP] A configuration option to have trailing ? equal exactly one character.   [Release]

By: Oliver Pretzel       
Date: Mar 09,2011 at 01:52
In Response to: Why? Because it gives more flexibility (Chester Kemp)

> Antti - Thanks for your suggestion.
> > For finding files with a penultimate s in the name part try
> > using: *s?*.*,-*s??*.*
> In a test directory, I have 26 files that have a penultimate "s".
> I tried your simple suggestion, but alas it didn't work - it only found
> 16 files, and missed 10. Kim's suggestion (elsewhere) of
> *s◄0-z►.* correctly found all 26.

Chester, you are right. Antti's suggestion is an ingenious attempt to get round the fact that trailing ?s do not give an exact count of the number of letters. But the problem with it is that the filespec looks for the *first* match in the name. So the first part of Antti's filespec includes all files with an s before the last letter, and the second part excludes all files with an s before the last two letters, even if the last but one letter is an s.

Kim's suggested work-around is fine for ASCII file names, but what happens if a file name ends with s and then a high unicode character?

It would be very nice to have a CO option to have trailing ? count exact numbers.

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