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[Comment] Configuring the opening of a Word document   [Comment]

By: John Miyamoto       
Date: Sep 16,2011 at 03:05

I am using ZTreeWin 2.1 on a Windows 7 Lenovo X220. My word processor is Word 2010. I have a minor problem when I use ZTree to open a word document. Suppose that I presently have two documents, AA.docx and BB.docx, open in Word. Using Ztree, I find a third document, CC.docx, highlight the document, and type "O" (Open). What happens next is that the Word program loads A SECOND TIME with CC.docx as the only document in this instance of Word. In other words, if I am in Word and I am viewing CC.docx, I cannot use the Word "switch windows" operation to switch to AA.docx or BB.docx because they are running in a different instance of Word. Similarly, if I am in word and am viewing AA.docx, I cannot switch to CC.docx by means of the "switch windows" operation, although I can switch back and forth between AA.docx and BB.docx by means of "switch windows."
What I would like to do is to configure ZTree so that when I open a Word document from within ZTree, it will open the document into the Word program that is already running and not into a new instance of this program. Is this possible?
By the way, I find that if I initially have two documents, AA.docx and BB.docx, open in Word, and I use the Windows utility My Computer to double click on the CC.docx file, then CC.docx opens into the existing instance of Word - this procedure does not load CC.docx into a new instance of Word.

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