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[Comment] /ZD and /ZM functionality   [Comment]

By: Steve Rawling     Sydney  
Date: Oct 23,2011 at 05:59

Kim has clearly shown that he wanted the current functionality of /ZD and /ZM. They were his idea and they were introduced quite quickly and with very little discussion, possibly partly because "the last vampyre" stole the show.

But I would like to hear comments on the the following. I have made these comments before and they may or may not have been read but no-one actually responded. So I put them up now for comment as a new thread in the hope of some response from forum members. There may be good reasons why my suggestions are not the best options.

So now I state my comments....

Re /ZD

Painful as it is to admit, "John Stockton's" original suggestion on this issue makes good sense to me. The simple action of starting up at the same location as where the last session left off would mean for most people starting at the last highlighted directory rather than the last bookmarked directory. Some users may not even use bookmarks nor realize the difference between last highlighted and last bookmarked directories.

Re /ZM

I think that saving the bookmark list to the hst file on closing and reloading it on startup is a choice that can be useful for some MOs. However, I don't think that those who make that choice should be forced to use the most recent bookmark at startup. Bookmarks should rather be there available whenever one is wanted and accessed by either F11 or multi taps of [ and/or ].For me, it is not necessarily the most recent bookmark that I want to go to, particularly if it is on a drive that is no longer logged. Also, the current functionality when the last bookmark is on a drive no longer connected results in ztw asking us which drive we want to log...not real useful...

So I believe that the following functionality would better serve the two needs of startup choices and restoration of bookmarks.

•Change - /ZD - Load last bookmark from previous session and use it to override default startup directory Use last highlighted directory from previous session as startup directory.
•Change - /ZM - Load all bookmarks from previous session and use the last one to override the default startup directory

Any comments?


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