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[Bug] JFC or ZTree?   [Bug]

By: Ian Binnie   Homepage   Sydney  
Date: Oct 19,2012 at 12:15
In Response to: [Bug] JFC or ZTree? (Donald_SBC)

> The bug is going into Hex mode with UTF files. I copied and changed
> the ANSI file as ANSI1 and did the same for the UTF file.
> Comparing ANSI to ANSI1 I get the normal difference screen. Hex mode
> displays correctly.
> Comparing ANSI1 to UTF I get the normal data display with the
> non-matching line hilighted (and not displaying the 3 BOM bytes). But
> going into Hex mode gives me the same bad screen.
> Comparing UTF to UTF1 I get the normal difference screen (and not
> displaying the 3 BOM bytes). But going into Hex mode gives me the same
> bad screen.
> Hex mode does not handle UTF files.

There is a bug which I have fixed.

The result does not seem very useful, which is probably why no one has reported this in the 5 years since the code was written.

The updated code is in:-

I have not tested the 64 bit code (which I had great difficulty in compiling M$ won't let me register the SDK because it reckons I don't have the compiler - which works perfectly well).

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