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[Discuss] Shift-Enter, Shift-* to log directories, only   [Discuss]

By: John Gruener     Orlando, Florida  
Date: May 13,2013 at 01:51
In Response to: [Discuss] Shift-Enter, Shift-* to log directories, only (Liviu)

> There is currently no easy/consistent way to log just the first
> level subdirectories, without also logging the files in the current
> directory. This is what Ctrl-Right does, but only if there are any
> subdirectories at all, otherwise it will log the files in the leaf
> directory - which requires constant alertness during interactive use, and
> also makes it harder to automate. Alt-Log-1-Level always logs current
> files, too. Alt-Log-Tree logs directories, only, but it goes full depth
> without any option to limit it to a preset number of levels.

The DM Ctrl-Right does this. When the current CO-related bug is fixed, you should see it in all cases.

But regarding the difficulties with Ctrl-Right, I agree. I'll post a separate ZEP on this.

> It could be helpful to have a dedicated command that always logs the
> first level subdirectories - and does nothing else regardless of context.
> That command could be assigned to Shift-Enter.

This won't be required if my ZEP is implemented.

- John

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