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What's Ztree's main purpose?   [Discuss]

By: Peter Shute       
Date: Jul 05,2013 at 15:05
In Response to: [Discuss] webTree? (Ron Metzger)

> > What would be the main purpose then? I use it all day to open files,
> > move them around, rename them, etc, for my own work, but solving disk
> > space issues is where it "pays" for itself.
> Organizing the (meta) data. The payoff is being able to find the data
> quickly, cutting time away from peoples work process. The ability to Know
> where something is located based on the project they are working on, or
> based on similar work in the past, is where the efficiency comes from.
> Saving disk space has nothing to do with ZTree's payoff.
> File duplication would lead to ambiguity and questions on which file is
> 'Right.' This would be a failure when an Audit is done (which is done
> nearly monthly, to meet ASME code). Disk Space? Who cares!

I think I'd have to understand your data to understand how this helps so much. Perhaps I'm blessed with particularly unruly users, but I find it they can make copies of entire branches and dump video files from their cameras to the point where diskspace is unpredictable. And when it runs out, everyone cares.

I could just buy more, but that takes time to set up, and why bother when a few minutes of investigation can free up 20% of the space again. I assume many organisations deal with this by imposing quotas, but the level of file sharing going on seems to make that impractical for us.

I'm interested to hear what others consider to be the main purpose of Ztree. Maybe there isn't one.

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