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Use Oops to view the $RECYCLE.BIN directory file list   [General]

By: Steve Rawling     Sydney  
Date: May 10,2014 at 00:51
In Response to: [General] Recycle bin and ZtreeWin ? (GoSlow2GoFast)

> I have to believe this has been discussed before, but is there
> anyway to force files deleted by ZtreeWin to the Windows Recycle Bin? I
> understand that typically any files deleted from a DOS session in Windows
> do not go to the recycle bin, but wondering if there is any setting or
> utility that can force DOS deleted files to the Recycle Bin? Or at least
> files deleted via ZtreeWin?
> ~bill

Hartmut and Ron were correct but they may not have realized a confusion that you may be having and if that is the case the following may help,

Unless you made some changes to the config, deleted files should be saved to the recycle bin because by default, Ztreewin saves deleted files in the recycle Bin.

You may have tried to view the recycle bin by navigating to it in ztreewin with the intension of recovering the file but could not find it. That is because you will not see the file listed by its original file name but rather by a 8 character file name such as $RX9WGBR but still keeping the original file extension. The original file name is written to a special location ( I don't know where this is though. Can someone explain) I assume you have not configured ztw to hide system and hidden directories. No matter how you have configured ztw, you can view all deleted files displayed with their original file names using the directory command 'Ooops'

I remember myself being confused by this when Oops was first introduced to ZTW in the 90's, when I went looking into that directory with ztw.

The recycle bin is a hidden system file which you will see at the top of the c drive directory window as $RECYCLE.BIN which will have one or more randonmly named subdirectories such as S-1-5-21-2793030735-889468721-360018267-1001 which each contain one or more renamed deleted files. Ooops lists all files in the $REYCLE.BIN branch.

To read the deleted file name you need to view the file list with explorer which detects the folder is a special folder and therefore knows to read the original file name from that special location. That is why Oops opens explorer- it allows the original file name to be read/displayed.

As stated in Configuration Help ( hit F1 from within ALT-F10 configuration window)the option shown the right of each setting is the default

Recycle Bin

R Use Recycle Bin ... by default for ....... Delete & Prune
Use this to set the initial "F4 Use Recycle bin" choice to "Yes"
when using the Delete and Prune commands on local hard drives.
None - Set to "No" for Delete and Prune.
Delete - Set to "Yes" for Delete and "No" for Prune.
Prune - Set to "Yes" for Prune and "No" for Delete.
Delete & Prune - Set to "Yes" for Delete and Prune.

Hope this helps

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