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[Bug] Disconnected External HD ZLog Loses Subdirs When \ Pressed   [Zeta]

By: Andrew Watson     Perth, Western Australia  
Date: Jul 27,2014 at 03:31
In Response to: [Zeta] v2.4.153 Now Available (Kim Henkel)

I have 18 powered external HDs ranging in size from 20GB to 2TB. My system cannot load more than 4 or 5 of them simultaneously even though I have a powered 10 port USB hub.

Also, the drives usually live in secure storage in 2 locations in the house and down at my mother's place so they all couldn't / wouldn't be plugged in at the same time even if there wasn't a technical problem preventing it.

I want to be able to find which drive required data is stored on.

I connected the drives progressively to my PC. They each mounted as E: drive. I used SUBST to map the drives to different drive letters including non-existent floppy drives A: and B: and the DVD drive D:.

I logged each SUBSTed drive and used ALT+ZLog, save and Resume.

When I had processed every drive I used ALT+ZLog, Merge to merge every drive.

Finally, I used ALT+ZLog, save and Resume to create an AllDrives.ZLOG file.

Whenever I want to find a file I press Open on the ZLOG file and use standard ZTree Filter and Global commands. If I want to find directories I use sWitch, Filter and Global.

This technique works very well though I am open to suggestions as to how it can be improved using either ZTree or other software.

However, I have discovered a bug.

When I have found the file in File mode or directory in sWitch mode that I am interested in and I press \ I am taken to the parent directory of the required directory and all subdirectories have disappeared.

I then have to reload the ZLOG file, which takes a while, and then manually navigate to the required drive and directory.

Andrew Watson

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