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[BUG] v2.4.157 Now Available   [Zeta]

By: R.O.       
Date: Feb 03,2015 at 21:58
In Response to: [Zeta] v2.4.157 Now Available (Kim Henkel)

(sorry - couldn't figure out how to change forum "Category" from Zeta to BUG)

Been a ZedTek user and fan since ZTBold days. Started using ZTW soon after it's launch, and have been using it at home and at different jobs ever since.
Through numerous beta, zeta, and regular updates, I've hardly ever had a problem.

Until now, and I need help.

Recently started a new job at large company, and got IT to buy a copy of ZTW in their name (local IT guy was amazed I got it approved by corporate). The weeks without it was torture!

Unfortunately, I've been getting pretty regular crashes when reloading ZLOG session from previous day. Pretty regular, but NOT consistently.

After years of using ZTW and its ZLOG resume feature, my workflow is now getting Seriously hurt by not being able to use this feature to pickup where I left off previously!

I have deleted .HST files, and created a new .INI files, and relogging areas of interest on a local and couple network drives from scratch (not re-using a .ZLOG file) to decouple any corrupted settings in these files that may have existed.

I have it set to NOT automatically load TEMP.ZLOG. Instead I've been manually picking the file and load it from within ZTW (by both Open and by Alt-Z-Load). Usually I have to roll back to a ZLOG from a few days ago that works and then refresh (hopefully-)everything it had seen, and then adding (hopefully-)all the new files and directories I and others have been working on since then.

I'm running Win7Pro SP1, 64b, on Thinkpad W520 (i7), first with 8GB then 16GB.
(I've previously used Dell machines, so I am not aware if there are any issues between Lenovo (hw and sw) and ZTW, but I didn't find any mention of one in a search of this forum).

I've had NO other issues with this machine from day one while running MSOffice 2010, several (large/workload-heavy) engineering tools, even when intentionally pushing Firefox 64b with hundreds of tabs!

Originally ZTW v2.2.19 was installed in its own directory under root of C:, followed by v2.4.156, and most recently v2.4.157, separately in my own area under "Users".
I've run mostly the 64b but also the 32b version. I run as Admin.
None were installed in "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)".
All versions suffered from this same issue.

I've tried loading a ZLOG file that works from a previous evening, followed by a file (and alternatively a dir) Showall & F3-refresh, and then saving it back to a new ZLOG. It often will crash when loading this new ZLOG, but not consistently.

Recently I logged my entire local drive (~250k files) and an entire shared network drive (~500k files), then went hunting to release any logged directories where any file has a total character count for path+filename+ext above 255 characters (Nice new feature to set filespec on full path length!).
Unfortunately, there was no improvement.

I've attached a recent crash log file.

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