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[Q] Symbolic links are not supported?   [Q]

By: Franco Fassio       
Date: Oct 23,2015 at 09:20
In Response to: [Q] Symbolic links are not supported? (Liviu)

> Works for me with both v2.4x and v2.2.19.
> Are you running cmd and ZTree on the same machine and in the same way
> (user account, elevated or not), and in what exact way does it not work -
> error message etc.

I tried again on a Windows 7 VM (to exclude Windows 10 issues) and a brand new Ztree 2.4.161 installation (to exclude possibile misconfigurations) and I have the same problem :(

The symbolic link is created with an elevated command prompt and I can see it with a dir command, no matter if the user is elevated or not:

23/10/2015 10:20 server1 [**server1*c$]

(* means backslash)

If I open ztree, (elevated or not and from the same administrative user who created the link), the symbolic link directory is simply non listed, without error messsages. No issues with windows explorer.

If I try to make a dir with the same "server1" name using ztree I get the error "File/Directory already exists" as expected.

I'm puzzled...

Thank for your help

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