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[Help!] Alt-Graft "replace newere with older"   [Help!]

By: John Baum       
Date: Mar 06,2016 at 23:11

I have an unusual task. The interface between and iPhone 5 and a PC resulted in 3,500 image (jpg and png) files being rapidly 'examined', sometimes made larger, and all given a new time stamp. It all happened when I elected to connect the iPhone, which contained no new photos to download, to the PC using a USB cable because it needed charging and seemed a convenient way to do the task. Live and learn but probably never understand why!

Fortunately I have a separate directory containing the unchanged files. It is called "Pictures" and resides at the root of my data disk where I store documents and images. I think it is a Win 7 generated directory, but it appears to be a mirror of the directory I normally use for storing images. That directory is 'complex' in that it contains sub-directories of at least 100 images each, plus some sub-directories containing only edited images.

I believe I might be able to use Alt-Graft to restore the originals, but my reading of the PDF manual suggests that the process is designed to replace "old with new" and not "new with old."

1) Is my understanding correct?

2) Is there a way to use ZTreeWin to do what I want to do?

My skill level is 'moderate' and not 'expert.'

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