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[Zeta] v2.4.166 Now Available   [Zeta]

By: VWheeler     Denver, Colorado, USA  
Date: May 13,2016 at 22:30
In Response to: [Zeta] v2.4.166 Now Available (Kim Henkel)

> Note:
> If you install this version and discover a bug, please post the bug
> report as a
> response to this posting.
> If you do NOT install this version but have discovered a bug in an
> older version,
> and the bug is NOT mentioned above, please post the bug report as a
> response to
> this posting.
> Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Hi, Kim!

I'll apologize in advance: I just posted a bug report at the top level before I saw this version and this request. So I installed this version and tested the same bug and it is still there, so as requested, I'm posting a response here. It is a duplicate of the posting from about 30 minutes ago at the top level of the forum, except I updated the version numbers and updated image.



Platform: Windows 7 64-bit
Version: v2.4.166.

In getting to know ZTreeWin's features, I created 3 simple files in an empty directory, tagged all 3 of them, and then hit Ctrl-V(iew). The viewing went as expected and I could move to the [N]ext and [P]rev(ious) files as expected. However, there is a feature where you can hit the [DELETE] key during this viewing and it appears to be intended to delete the file viewed (based on the feature entry for Beta version v2.4.113: "Added - View/Ctrl-View - Del - Delete viewed file").

In case this is pertinent, the file names were:

hello2.txt, and

each with recognizable content so I knew which file was being viewed.

Regardless of what file was being viewed, when I hit the [DELETE] key, the confirmation prompt offered to delete whatever file was previously current before the Ctrl-View sequence began. This does not look like the intended behavior.

The attached screenshot shows the above example with the 1st file current when Ctrl-View sequence bagain, and [DELETE] was hit while viewing the 3rd file.


Kind regards,

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