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[Comment] The most useful computer program on planet Earth!   [Comment]

By: Paul Laufer       
Date: Aug 14,2017 at 16:47
In Response to: [Comment] The most useful computer program on planet Earth! (John Gruener)

> Debbie is also a photographer, and mentioned to me one day that after
> she and another photographer shot hundreds of pictures at a wedding, she
> was wishing they had fixed the time and dates in their cameras ahead of
> time so she could sort both sets of pictures into one sequence. So I
> showed her the Ctrl-N F5 function to adjust the file times from one of
> the cameras. After figuring out the clock differences between the two
> cameras, with one operation she was able to synchronize down to the
> second those hundreds of photos so they sorted into exactly the correct
> sequence. I then showed her the Jhead EXIF tool I had built in to the F9
> menu to change the internal timestamps if she wanted. She was amazed!

If it's of any use to anyone here's the rename mask I usually apply to my photographs.

<:wYYYYMMDD:-h:wHH:m:wMM:s:wSS:-PDT >*.*

Using the "w" gets the actual time the file was created (written to) - meaning the moment the camera shutter went off.

This file: "IMG_1675.CR2"

Becomes this: "20041108-h00m11s17-PDT IMG_1675.CR2"

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