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[Zeta] v2.4.185 Now Available!   [Zeta]

By: Laurent Duchastel     Montréal, Québec  
Date: Jul 19,2018 at 12:10
In Response to: [Zeta] v2.4.185 Now Available! (Kim Henkel)

> Fixed - Alt-Mirror - Sync - Esc during morror not aborting
> sync

Works. Thank you very much !

This said, on a cosmetic and UI experience perspective, I noticed Esc doesn't respond immediately but only at the first occurrence of a different file.

I sync a 100 Gb branch with 44,000 files regularly. If the first different file in that branch is very far positioned in that branch, ZTree would seem not to respond to Esc and continue syncing. In reality, it just comparing files info loaded in memory. The Esc would be enacted as expected only at first occurrence of a different file. In my case, that means 10 to 30 seconds with ZTree "not responding" and flying through the branch until it encounters that first file. Now that I know, I'll just be patient, but the Esc logic could still be enhanced IMHO.

Laurent Duchastel

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