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Google Drive file Stream?   [Help!]

By: Leonard R. Miller     Locust Bayou, Arkansas  
Date: Jul 26,2018 at 03:03
In Response to: Google Drive file Stream? (Peter Shute)

> At work we're investigating moving to G Suite, and I saw someone
> using a program that displayed their Google Drive files under a drive
> letter. I don't know what it was, but it looks like Google Drive File
> Stream might do this, so it might have been that.
> I've haven't actually tried accessing the files via the drive letter,
> but I assume they gave it a drive letter for a reason.
> If you try it, I would be interested to hear how it goes.

I was quite excited at your post and from what I learned it will (probably) give one all the properties that are available as if the folder were local. One can use file Explorer (and I presume ZtreeWin) just like normal.

However, my emailed question (prices, capability, etc) to Google Help yielded a Robot response that encouraged me to download a trial copy, then decide. That doesn't work for me. Hey, I'm retired now and don't need any major cash outlay -- I learned later that there was a special offer for Google Drive File Stream where the price would be some $300 reduction for G Suite customers.

That leads me to believe Stream is out of my league.

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