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Is the default 283-column text OK for human reading?   [OT]

By: Peter Shute       
Date: Feb 21,2019 at 23:17
In Response to: Is the default 283-column text OK for human reading? (Greg Akers)

> The short answer is, Yes, a default 283-column text is "OK" for some
> humans to read. It's not my preference, but I can do it. At least it
> is within my control to reduce the window width or increase the font size
> for my easier viewing, without interfering with however anyone else
> choses to view it.

What's missing is the ability to adjust the forum's reading window. Instead the only option is to reduce the browser width, which may not be ok for other tabs one has open.

I have a vague memory of an email client that inserted hard returns at a chosen width. This wasn't an inconvenience for others with the same email client because it removed them for display when recipients were reading them.

On my iPhone I occasionally come across an email that's very wide, and has to be displayed very small, or you have to scroll across every line to read it. I think I've seen the same thing on Blackberries too. I'm not sure what triggers this.

I've also seen eBooks with hard returns that cause havoc at certain font sizes.

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