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Examples?   [Help!]

By: Tim Mongeon       
Date: May 22,2020 at 11:54
In Response to: Examples? (Peter Shute)

> > Here is one example:
> >
> > ----------------
> > H:\Records - Product Manuals, warranties, service contracts
> >
> > \Computer
> >
> > \Other Hardware and accessories
> >
> > \Huion Graphics Tablet WH1409 V2
> >
> > \Utils & Accessories\
> But that's only 152 characters. Can we see one that's longer that
> 260?

I was just showing examples of how the system works but here are some:

\Control Panel (Specific to)
\User Profiles, Documents & Settings, etc
\Microsoft Accounts
\Trusted Devices
\How 'Trusted Devices' Work on Windows 10 (and Why You No Longer Need to 'Trust This PC')
\084658_How 'Trusted Devices' Work on Windows 10 (and Why You No Longer Need to 'Trust This PC').png

Here's one for irony:

H:\Freeware in use 2019 (already backed up on Restore Vols)
\Path Too Long Utilities
\Long Path Fixer for Windows
\000915_Long Path Fixer for Windows. Path Too Long Error This free tool can copy, move, rename and delete files and folders with VERY Long Paths!.png

\Windows (program task screens, scrollbars, menues, etc) Management
\Task Switching (Task View)
\Tweak Windows Alt+Tab switcher to enlarge thumbnails and disable live aero peek preview
\Alt Tab Tuner (Utility) Windows 8

\Windows Apps (general)
\General\Windows Store (and all Store Apps) Crash Immediately after Launching
\FireShot Screen Capture #004 - 'SOLVED_ Windows Store (and all Store Apps) Crash Immediately after Launching I Annoyances and How-Tos' - chaosfreakblo.png

H:\Records - All others
\Auto Repair
\Monro Muffler Cheshire Road
\2019 Oct 19 - Hazard Driving Sensor, Alignment, Tune-up, Oil Change, Rotate Tires, Fuel Line Cleaned, 1 Strut
\a. Maintenance Recommendation from Honda to check belt - Monro said didn't need replacing

H:\Records - All others
\Takata Air Bags Class Action Suite
\194110_In re TK Holdings Inc., Case No. xx-xxxxx United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware- Notice of Hearing to Consider Approval of the Proposed Disclosure Statement FastMail.png

H:\Research (general)
\Oven, Stove
\What If You Leave the Racks in During Oven Cleaning - THEY ARE HARD TO INSERT & REMOVE & STICK BAD(used a little oil on rack edges - no steel wool)
\204423_What If You Leave the Racks in During Oven Cleaning (used a little oil on rack edges - no steel wool).png

\Self Improvement (Mind, Body, Etc.)
\Trigger Point Therapy with the Foam Roller - Exercises for Muscle Massage, Myofascial Release, Injury Prevention and Physical
\Trigger Point Therapy with the Foam Roller - Exercises for Muscle Massage, Myofascial Release, Injury Prevention and Physical.epub

The capture software takes the name of the web page in most cases - this is required because it not only identifies the item but the Ztree macros use this to create the directories and move the files into them. For web page captures, this accounts for most of the greater paths but not always. In the past, I fooled around with shortening the names but it takes away from the identification and I end up not being able to locate it when I need it and defeating the whole purpose.

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