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[ZEP] Autoview (F7) enhancement   [ZEP]

By: Slobodan Vujnovic   Homepage   France  
Date: Nov 13,2020 at 18:08

With today's abundant screen real estate, I exclusively use
the 'File display' (Alt+F) set to show the file info that
follows the name.ext part - size, attrs, date, time:

name.ext 864,164,046_.a.._2020-05-14_14:12:15

However, when using the Autoview (F7) two-pane split, the file
info is not available, which is understandable.

I sometimes ESC out of F7 temporarily to look at the
additinal info, like I did today with lots of .log files
I needed to know more about - the dates, primarily.

Would it make sense to 'ruin' the top border of the Viewer
and add the 864,164,046_.a.._2020-05-14_14:12:15 bit,
provided there is space for it? (In this context, the 5
positions taken by attrs could be dropped, if space is tight.)

In View, the north border is currently being 'invaded' by
the Line (Shift+L) display on the extreme right. (Nothing
to do with Trump fighting the Canadians!)

There are a few other cases where borders are being used for
non-static info, except that in this case the text is larger.

NOTE: Alt+I works in Autoview, so very detailed info is available
without leaving Autoview!

But the (dynamic) Alt+I popup can be distracting and an overkill,
and it often occludes the contents being viewed. Providing a
bare-bones, one-liner, Alt+I on the border (toggled via Shift+I?)
seems a tempting FC to me.

Anybody else?

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