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[OT] A children's book   [OT]

By: Slobodan Vujnovic   Homepage   France  
Date: Jan 03,2023 at 12:37
In Response to: [OT] ChatGPT needs to learn a lot more (Slobodan Vujnovic)

A few months ago, my daughter self-published a children's book
(with the help of her five year old son) called Today is a Great Day:


Luckily, at the time, neither I nor she knew about OpenAI, otherwise,
she might have given up -- as many creators will stop and wonder who
they are competing with in this area. She is planning to keep writing, so
I sent her this AI creation. It's practically her book, minus the
illustrations -- which can now be generated by AI as well...
I'm waiting for her response.

I asked ChatGPT the following:

write a book for children called "Today is a great day" with 20 positive affirmations

Sure! Here is a short story called "Today is a Great Day" with 20 positive affirmations:

Title: Today is a Great Day

Today is a great day! I am healthy and strong.
I have a roof over my head and food on my table.
I am loved and supported by my family and friends.
I am grateful for the beauty of nature around me.

I am capable and worthy. I can do anything I set my mind to.
I am kind and compassionate towards others.
I am confident and brave. I am not afraid to try new things.

I am successful in all that I do. I am always learning and growing.
I am patient and understanding. I give myself and others grace.
I am happy and content with who I am and what I have.
I am surrounded by positive energy and good vibes.
I am thankful for every moment and opportunity.
I am full of hope and possibility.

Today is a great day! And every day is a great day.
I am strong, capable, and loved. I am grateful and happy.
I can do anything and be anything I want to be.
Today is a great day!


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