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Forget It? - Why?   [Wish]

By: Jim Farnsworth       
Date: Aug 17,2000 at 09:08
In Response to: Forget It? - Why? (John Gruener)


Sorry to be abrupt but it 's one of those days... A little pressured...Not your fault.

Most of the time I agree with you about ZTrees capabilities. If that kind of sorting was something I did repeatedly I'd, of course, set up filters, batch files or whatever was necessary to get consistent results. R-Nameit allows me to be less dedicated to that kind of procedure on an occasional basis. It also sets up for sequential filenames which is what I needed at the time I found it.

Major functions:
Has Preview of what your gonna get. How many times have you wanted that one?
Sort by any which way, even beyond ZTrees capabilities.
Filter by attribute
changes to prefix, changes to suffix, Upper\Lower case,
* Sequential naming *
Insert string, replace string, string position

I think that's it but I probably missed some.
As I say, It ain't ZTree but it sure is interesting.

Incidentially, the programs toward the bottom of the page reference I gave you; and, yes Michael (again) the site's a piece of crap and I'm sure you'll never go there.


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