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Release Current Directory   [ZEP]

By: John Gruener     Orlando, Florida  
Date: Mar 13,1999 at 04:06
In Response to: possible additions (Walt)

> One thing I wish XTree had was one more
> selection in RELEASE (Alt-R), release
> Files-in-Dir. It would operate like
> Files-in-Branch but only relese current directory,
> leaving lower directories logged. I've wanted this
> feature for years.

Yes, this was originally suggested by Ken Meece on July 12, 1998, and we have discussed it at some length in other threads.

This is a MUCH NEEDED function!

If done in the Alt-Release menu it seems the most difficult thing is to pick a meaningful letter and menu description for it. Both of the key letters in "Files in Directory" are already used. Perhaps "Files in [C]urrent directory", as Dan has suggested, or "Files in [H]ighlighted directory."

I had also suggested the possibility of a shortcut/hidden key to it, so you didn't need to go to the Alt-Release menu for it. I think the Alt-NumPadMinus would be a good one and a nice complement to my recently suggested Shift-NumPadMinus, which was a hidden XTree key to HIDE a directory. The only problem is I don't know if Alt-NumPadMinus is an available key. If not, perhaps Alt-Minus on the main keyboard is.

In any case, it would be great to have this function no matter WHERE its programmed!

This is one that many of us could use Kim! It's number two on my list, (right behind a Partial Path color!)


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