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Unshifted Numbers - Effect on File/Dir Search   [OT]

By: Steve Rawling     Sydney  
Date: Sep 11,2000 at 06:53
In Response to: Unshifted Numbers - Effect on File/Dir Search (John Gruener)

> The unshifted numbers are used for first-character
> file/directory searching. Are you proposing to
> give this up?


> If we adapt an 'open mode' spell
> navigation, (perhaps better called spell
> *searching*), these will be even more important,
> as will the Shift-Numbers for the special
> characters.

I've had a hard look at my own MO and the effect of the NC/FAR type spell searching. I would get no gain from it. And therefore all the compromises ztw would make to get it to work effectively, including all the bug removals and extra weight, would be for me a loss.

I do most of my navigation in reverse date sorted mode, searching and finding not necessarily by thinking of the first 1 or 2 or three letters/nimbers of a file, rather by a combination of almost subconscious thoughts on a file extension or LFN whole word "pictures" or colour predefined by "zcolors.ini"-lets call it intuitive searching.

I agree the term for Walter's whim should be called spell searching, not open mode. Also, I thinks Walter is suggesting spell searching to be active only with the shift key held on, so what is his suggestion for spell searching on the file A1B.txt?

The proposal to have the unshifted 0-9(either toprow,keypad or both) as function keys and have navigation consistently active only with the shift key down, is just one of many things which I think would be a better path to pursue.

Different strokes for different blokes

Perhaps no change at all is better still.


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