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[Discuss] just plain dumb.   [Discuss]

By: Laurent Duchastel     Montréal, Québec  
Date: May 16,2003 at 00:23
In Response to: [Discuss] just plain dumb. (Walt)

Generally, with what have been written in this thread, I find more disavantages allowing remapping keys than allowing it. It can introduces bugs, makes support more difficult and macro incompatibles. And taking Ztree power into consideration, it could be very dangerous to allow remapping. For example, if I remap Ctrl-[M]ove to Ctrl-[D]eplacer (which would sound more mnemonic to me at first), after a while I would probably get the habit of typing Ctrl-D to move files... Imagine the disaster if I jump on another Ztree installation that doesn't have this layout !

Also, as a good rule of thumb, in most programs that allows some level of key remapping (text editor, news reader, games, Word, etc.), it is usually better to stick with the standard layout than to modify it extensively.

Yet, there are sometimes very good reasons to remap a key (nowithstanding someone's IQ :-)). One reason can be a very different typing technique or very different keyboard layout that makes some frequent keystrokes not easy, if not dangerous. Some laptop's keyboard are quite akward, and not all keyboard in the world are QWERTY. A better reason can be temporary or permanent disabilities with some fingers. And most important, no matter how we view people, there are individual differences in how people think, how they memorize, and how they type, and taking these differences into account generally increase the individual productivity of everybody.

IMHO, the question is therefore not if key remaping would be useful or not for some (the answer is yes), but if it should be implemented within Ztree (IMHO, the answer is no). Three reasons for not being in favor of keyboard remapping:

1. There are much important priorities in Ztree development
2. There are utilities available within Windows for hand/finger disablities.
2. If someone really need to remap a key, there are mayb utilities external to Ztree that could do the trick. Anyone who tried Macro Magic http://www.iolo.com/ ? I dunno if it works in Console mode, but I used it in the past with great success with another program that had an akward key mapping

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