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Related ommision in ZTree   [Help!]

By: Walter Rassbach       
Date: Feb 16,2006 at 10:25
In Response to: THE ANSWER!!! (Walter Rassbach)

The technique used to solve this one does bring up a related problem.

If one wants to do the reverse operation, i.e., tag a bunch of files in various subdirectories of a branch and then move (or copy, more likely) them down in a relative way. This kind of thing would be done in a code-branch (e.g., say CVSed) to save some files away in their original form before starting to edit them -- You might want to be able to revert (the base file isn't checked in yet) or be able to do compares to see what work you've done.

So, you tag the files, hit alt-Copy from the appropriate Branch window, and enter a filename mask of *.* and start the Copy operation.

ZTree quickly hits an "[03] Path not found", because you don't have the "saved" directory already created.

With the current ZTree functionality, you are stuck. You would have to create all of those subdirectories by hand.

Proposed fix:

When ZTree hits this kind of a case, it should display the error indication/message (the prompt below would be fine), but should allow (and prompt for) directory creation, just as it does for the target directory path in such commands ("the directory does not exist, create?" prompt). The choices should be Yes, No, or All -- The last is added so that you don't have to deal with it for every leaf in the branch.

Alternatively or additionally, there may be a CO or command line option that tells ZTree to create missing directorys/paths in such situations (it probably should not affect the current "create" prompts, but maybe even taht if it was a 3-way option).

My guess is that this is really just an oversight (more than reasonable, I would have missed it too) on Kim's part, because he never though about paths in the filename mask prompt string in such cases.

Another possibility is to provide an F? key to indicate directory creation in the All/Yes/No prompt that comes up for things like ctrl-Rename or ctrl-Copy when the destination directory exists.

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