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[Notice] Ztree Launcher   [Humor]

By: Laurent Duchastel     Montréal, Québec  
Date: Mar 20,2006 at 14:58
In Response to: [Notice] Ztree Launcher (Ian Binnie)

> I decided to try Ztree Launcher.
> The documentation is very brief (I tend to suffer from this myself, and
> assume things are obvious).

Sorry about lack of documentation. But if you look at the source code, I am pretty sure you will understand how it works.

> After a couple of trials to see what changing the values in ZtreeL.ini
> did, I put some of my usual parameters in the ZtreeL shortcut.
> This launched ZtreeL, which used 98% of the CPU time, but not ZTree.

I understand ZtreeL could launch Ztree without adding parameters to the shortcut, but couldn't with parameters. Is that right?

The routine for command line processing is very basic, but it should work if same parameters are not entered twice and are in the right order.

Of course, ZtreeL must be in same folder as Ztree.

Send me more details if it still doesn't work

> I will put my normal parameters in ZtreeL.ini, but I launch different
> instances of ZTree with different parameters. Is this possible with
> ZtreeL?

Well, that's one of the idea behind having an INI file. First versions of the launcher had all parameters hard coded. With an INI file, they can be edited. Multiple INI hasn't been implemented yet but the code has precisely some provisions to add that feature.

I will try to find some time to add new features to the launcher. That will be my pleasure. But I am very busy these days, and not necessarily in front of my computer, so be patient for just a few days.

If you feel like it, you can also explore BTEWin language http://es.geocities.com/jpisoft/ which is very basic and, for you, will take only few minutes to understand. If you install the package, my suggestion is to install only BTEWin and not Vdesk and other components (unless you want to try them - they are good too). You can then edit the source code and recompile the launcher to your own taste - that's the whole idea of having a free and easily editable launcher.

But as I told you, I'll try to do it myself this week.

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