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[Q] INI Section Alphabetizer   [Q]

By: Ben Kent       
Date: Sep 14,2006 at 06:59
In Response to: [Q] INI Section Alphabetizer (Steve Fields)

> Ben:

> I just noticed that the script does not sort within the sections, which is
> good because the ;comments are sometimes right above the line it pertains
> to, and sorting it would move it to the top where I would have no idea
> what it pertains to.

> I would have to sort within the section myself, which is no problem
> because I can do it with my text editor, if needbe.

> Thanks again!

> ~ ~ ~ Steve Fields

If you change
bSortContents = True
in the script then it will sort the section contents, but it is simple minded as far as comments are consirned. You didn't request contents sorting originaly, also you didn't specify that comments should stick to there lines, so I wrote a script that did exactly what you requested.

Doing comments I would guess would be quite tricky as are they always before or after the un-commented lines? and how to detect section comments where there is a empty line between the comment and the section, and I'm sure there would be other problems.


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