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Off Topic: Sever Security Structure   [OT]

By: Andrew Watson     Perth, Western Australia  
Date: Apr 06,2000 at 16:36

I know that this is way off topic but I also know that there are several server administrators on the Forum who may be able to help.

I have been administering my branch's file server for over 5 years. I have been administering my division's file server for about 2 years. Other division's and branches within the organisation have also had file servers. However, up till now there has never been a centralised system of servers serving the entire organisation.

This was introduced about 2 months ago in a very wishy washy half-hearted manner with no-one really driving it. Low level clerical staff were selected as Branch Server Custodians. They were given a 2 hour overview of server security and some suggestions on how directories could be set up. They were then expected to go away and dream up their own directory structures and security groups.

There was no high level directive that all data must be stored on the servers. There was no real guidance about how directory structures or security groups should be set up. They were given no tools for reporting on security group membership and what security groups were attached to what directories with what access level.

I predicted at the time that it would fall in a heap and it has.

Unfortunately or fortunately, big mouth me has been seconded to sort things out.

My branch server is documented and I have some rough notes, that I have prepared when going on leave for my stand in, that describe my approach to setting up servers but this is about all that I have in writing.

What I would like to get hold of are links to web pages that describe policies and technical standards for:

* server security structure
* server directory structure
* server security reporting tools

I have used all of these terms and many others in web searches without success. What I really need is the one phrase that describes "the philosophy" of setting up file servers that I can use to find information on the web.

Any assistance would be most appreciated.

Andrew Watson

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