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Hmm...   [rpVT]

By: Hartmut Schneider     Germany  
Date: Aug 28,2008 at 04:14
In Response to: rpVT on a LAN - query remote Window handle? (Nick Williams)

> It's a shame if rpVT no longer works across a network - it certainly
> used to - I remember using it like this, a long time ago.

Do you remember which rpVT version it was that worked?
Perhaps you can patch the title string R hunts for (in the old rpvt.exe) or adapt it (in the ZTree window title) ...

After reading an amount of time, I found an interesting hint in the rpVT documentation on ZTWiki's rpVT History, header "Version (A-34)", last-but-one paragraph:

If a /zd switch is specified, R will hunt only the specific path\filename of the switch, and no other instances of Z.
If a remote operation is set in a LAN, using the /rm switches, R will not establish
mouse redirection and will always set the 'quit with ZTree' flag, even if not specified in the switches.

But that still does *not* explain IMHO why the current versions of rpVT do not work in a LAN setup...


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