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What am I doing wrong   [Notice]

By: Oliver Pretzel       
Date: Apr 01,2009 at 20:25
In Response to: [Notice] ZBar Script Host ZAAP (Martijn Coppoolse)

I've tried this but cannot get it to work.
Here's what I've done
1. registered ZBarCom.dll (successfully)
2. started ZBarScriptHost (window appears and shows ZBarDat; it finds ZTree and regex.js)
(msscript.ocx is already installed)

Opened a ZTree Showall Window with a lot of files starting with '0' none tagged
match ^0[^0].*
to select those without second character 0.

Ztree hangs waiting for the script host to finish (with the spinner rotating) the script displays:
regex.js match ^0[^0].*(current file name) >>[Empty]
but does nothing. This goes on till I type Esc in Ztree.

Changing the call to
match(^0[^0].*) produces the same effect.

Tagging all the files and typing the command with Ctrl-Y causes the system to stop at the first tagged file in the same way.

Obviously I'm doing something wrong - can you clarify please?


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