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Suggestions, Suggestions, Suggestions...   [General]

By: Dan LeGate       
Date: May 23,1998 at 05:39

...and you're probably sick of them by now! :)

Ok, so now you're all going to know what an Xtree/Ztree FREAK I really am! I spend WAY too much time with this program! ;) Since there's not really a "Ztree Message Board" here, I'm posting in Bugs, since I want everyone to see and perhaps generate some dialogue for Suggestions for improvements. I'd love to hear from *anyone* about these suggestions ... I'm sure you can even improve on them as well.

Ability to "Tag from here down" or "from here up". Sometimes I want to tag all files newer than a certain date, but that is often MANY files in Global or Branch views. That's a long time to hold down the T key.

Invert File Specifications should be enabled - an absolute must in my opinion.

One thing I always hated about XTGOLD is that when viewing a Branch listing of files, that using < and > (comma and period) to switch drives, it always switches back to the directory view of the drive. Is there a reason for this? Could you make Ztree have an Option NOT to do that? Sometimes I just want to switch between the two Branch file listing views I have, knowing that they are on different drives.

A feature I *always* wanted in Xtree while Viewing a file was to be able to jump to different portions of the file. Something like Ctrl-5 would put me at the 50% (middle) mark of the file. You could use 1 for 10%, 2 for 20%, on up to 9 for 90%.

A couple of new logging options that would be nice:
1 - Log ALL drives (except removable media)
2 - Log ALL drives Including any removable media
3 - Log ALL drives that are currently partially logged. (drive letter is already listed as "Logged Drives: A C D" when you press L)
4 - Log ALL Local fixed drives (no network drives)
5 - Log ALL Network drives only
perhaps a sub-option to these commands: Do not log any more than _______ files per drive, just so it doesn't get completely bogged down trying to log hundreds of thousands of files on network drives or something like that. It would also be nice when pushing ESC, to have a "Stop loggin here" option and just show the files and directories that have been logged up to that point. I'd also like to see an ALT-F10 option for allowing us to enter multiple drive letters when we hit (L)og. We could enter C,D,G,X and it would log those drives.

Alt-Z option (like XTGOLD) to quit and save a "Snapshot" of the current loggings, etc. Nice feature.

Filespec extended to include "pathspec" options: -C:\NETSCAPE\CACHE\*.* would eliminate all files in the Netscape cache directory and its subdirectories. This goes right along with my HIDDEN dirs suggestion I made a while back.

Ability to TAG directories - not the files IN directories (like Ctrl F7) but the actual directories themselves - a diamond would appear in the tree window next to the directory. Or like in Explorer, where in the right-side window pane you can select and delete/move/copy multiple folders (directories), in essense allowing multiple directory PRUNEs or GRAFTs, which Ztree currently cannot do. Perhaps in the Files window, you could have the option to include directory names preceded with

...? This is a pretty big change, fundamentally, so I don't know if it's something on your "Yeah, I'll do that next!" list. :)

I would like to be able to create a NEW zero-byte file with ZtreeWin (like UNIX "touch") can. Also "Zero-out" a file. If I want to completely delete the contents of AUTOEXEC.BAT, but still keep the filename around, I could zero it out (with warnings, of course, since it could be dangerous.).

New Date command should have a "Same As..." option so I can specify another file (by F2 pointing to it) that I want the selected/tagged file(s) to change their date to. This would also bring up the fact that F2 only allows directory-level pointing at this time. For things like JFC, it would be nice to be able to get to the file listing view (maybe with Shift-Enter instead of just enter for selecting a dir) and point to the actual file I want to compare to.

It seems to me that being able to enter date ranges in the Filespec option doesn't work in Ztree as it did in Xtree. I tried using >07-16-97 but it matched nothing. Extremely handy feature. This one would also be cool if you could point to an existing file and match "anything newer than" (also equal to, older than, older and equal to, etc....) this file.

This one's not really important to me, but I always thought the Alt-W Wash command was neato. :) Any plans to ever reinstate that feature?

Also Oops! was neat, but I would imagine more difficult with all the different file systems out there now.

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