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[Wish] Macro list maintained   [Wish]

By: Martijn Coppoolse   Homepage   Voorburg, NL  
Date: Jul 13,2015 at 12:57
In Response to: [Wish] Macro list maintained (Tim Mongeon)

> I have several macros which are kept in the default Ztreewin program
> directory. When I start up Ztree and press F12, I have to enter the
> macro name. The more macros I have, the harder it is to remember. The
> history is empty at this point.
> What I would like is a command that would automatically read the *.ztm
> files in the directory and list them out allowing me to select the macro
> rather than having to initially enter the name myself.
> Thanks.

I've written a little tool which adds every *.ztm in a directory to the ZTW.HST file in that directory. Of course, ZTreeWin only loads ZTW.HST on startup, so you should run it before starting ZTreeWin. If ZTreeWin is already open when you run it, you'll have to use [F4] from inside the history list to load the history from file.

Version (beta)
AddZTMsToHst adds all present *.ztm files to the F12 macro history list.
Either run it from the directory where both ZTW.HST and the *.ZTM files are located, or pass that directory as the first command-line parameter.

It saves a backup copy of the ZTW.HST file, but will overwrite that backup on subsequent runs.
Also, I have NOT tested this tool extensively, so do store a backup of your ZTW.HST somewhere safe before using it!

- download the zip file
- view the contents of the zip file
- view the source code


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