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Use history?   [Wish]

By: Peter Shute       
Date: Feb 01,2016 at 03:45
In Response to: [Wish] New Date (Alan P Brown)

> A couple of little wishes for New Date
> First, could it have an F8 option to fetch the date/time of the file in
> the other pane?
> Second is for Ctrl-New date increment mode.
> I wish that the increment left the first file alone. A similar effect
> might be obtainable by allowing the start date to be taken from the
> highlighted file (and possibly untagged) rather than the first file
> processed.
> My reason is that to set a series of files to a range of dates, I have
> to set the first file to the date I want LESS the increment, and then
> applying the increment to all the files. Unless I am missing a better
> way of doing it.

You could first do an N timestamp command on just the first file, using Tab to change it to the date it's already set to. That would get that date into the date history.

Then you could use the history to set that same date on another file, instead of your double pane idea. And you could tag all but the first file and use the history to get the initial date to increment for your second problem.

Or are you already doing that?

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