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[ZEP] Esc while Alt-Mirror NOT delete all target files   [ZEP]

By: Martijn Coppoolse   Homepage   Voorburg, NL  
Date: Jun 20,2018 at 10:19
In Response to: [ZEP] Esc while Alt-Mirror NOT delete all target files (Laurent Duchastel)

> I often use Alt-Mirror (One Way) to sync directories.
> I noticed that if I interrupt an in-progress sync by pressing "Esc",
> ZTree doesn't interrupt at once, but stop syncing and start deleting
> *every* target files.
> I discovered this as I wanted to interrupt quite a long mirroring
> operation on a huge directory and continue later. I had to kill ZTree
> instance to stop it deleting everything on target file.
> While deleting non-matching target files is inherent to
> one-way-mirroring, Esc should not allow ZTree continue, but stop at once.

It sounds like ZTreeWin treats one-way Mirror as two separate steps:
1. copy all unique and different files,
2. delete all files unique to the target dir.

and ESC only cancels the first step.

IMHO, this should be classified as bug, not ZEP; it’s not the expected result of pressing [Esc]ape: in the UI, Alt-Mirror is treated as a single operation, so pressing [Esc]ape should cancel the entire operation, not just the first part of it.


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