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[Bug] Shift-PageDown/PageUp   [Zeta]

By: John Gruener     Orlando, Florida  
Date: Nov 25,2019 at 02:03
In Response to: [Zeta] v2.4.191 Now Available! (Kim Henkel)

When logging an entire Windows 10 system drive as Administrator there are ten or so directories that are not logged due to Access Denied. This of course is expected, so the error is Skipped.

In some cases, when the total directory count exceeds 50,000 or so, there is a problem using Shift-PageDown/PageUp to find the unlogged directories.

Pressing Shift-PageDown finds the first and subsequent unlogged directories. After reaching the following unlogged directory:
another Shift-PageDown does nothing, as if that's the last unlogged directory.
The problem is, it's not!

There is one more unlogged directory further down:

Also, a Shift-PageUp from that directory also does nothing, as if there are no unlogged directories above it.

Because I think this bug is related to the total number of directory lines below or above a certain point, the following are the ordinal numbers on one of these Windows 10 installations. (Note my previous bug report about displaying the correct ordinal.)

Total directory lines in the Tree Window: 63,784
The last directory reached with Shift-PageDown (Ngc): 21,554
The unreachable directory (RTBackup): 35,666

Using F6 to collapse directory:
removes 12,954 directory lines between Ngc and RTBackup.
Shift-PageDown then reaches the RTBackup directory, now at 22,712.

However, at that point after pressing [End] to reach the bottom directory in the tree at 50,830, Shift-PageUp does nothing, as if there are no unlogged directories above it.

Using F6 then to collapse directory:
removes 25,743 directory lines (good grief!) between the bottom directory and RTBackup.
The bottom directory in the tree is then at 25,087, from which Shift-PageUp works OK to reach unlogged directory RTBackup at 22,712.

It appears there are limits to the number of directory lines that can be navigated by Shift-PageDown/PageUp, so only those with these high numbers of directories will be able to duplicate this.

- John

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