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Big UI/UX fail!   [Tip]

By: Slobodan Vujnovic   Homepage   France  
Date: Mar 12,2021 at 18:24
In Response to: Big taskbar (Peter Shute)

> If you drag your taskbar so it's a little taller, it'll show the
> date, time, and day of the week.
> I know not everyone wants to lose a bit of screen height.

Indeed, I didn't know that. And no, I won't waste space for this.
Now, why don't those MS IDIOTS just put 'Dow' next to hh:mm,
instead of HIDING it on a new line that nobody knows about?
I'm sure there is sufficient space on two (visible) lines for
all of it, even in languages where the abbreviated day of
the week needs 4 or 5 positions! Three lines for date/time

This whole thread would not have been necessary, and folks wouldn't
be searching for a third-party system tray clock...

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