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[Help!] Very slow response to context menu pop-up   [Help!]

By: Ben Kent       
Date: Jan 27,2022 at 15:54
In Response to: [Help!] Very slow response to context menu pop-up (John Leslie)

> I've noticed for some time that often the context menu (like a
> right-mouse-button in Explorer) takes ages to turn up after pressing the
> menu key (i.e. to the left of the right control key). I do have a lot of
> files loaded and I do leave Ztree run up for long periods, but it can
> take over a minute to appear. It doesn't seem to be consuming any
> resources (CPU, etc.) during this time. A second press while waiting will
> get queued and appear subsequently to the first menu.
> I do have a few add-ons in the menu, but it isn't huge. In Explorer it
> appears instantly for most things and under half a second if a more
> complicated menu has to be created (as its content depends on the
> selected object).
> Just now I had a >1min wait, then the next two were pretty instant,
> then a 27 sec wait, then an instant one.
> Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions?


Occasionaly I have seen it be slower than normal, but not as long as you are reporting.
Does the file extension make a difference?

Try running Taskmanger, details tab, sort decending by name, select ZTW64.exe, then switch to ZTree and then press context or Shift-F10.
Is the delay launching zshell64.exe, or between zshell64.exe staring and the menu showing?

Are there lots of applications installed the hook the context menu?

You might need to run sysinternals procmon filtered for the ZTW64.exe and zshell64.exe processes, to see what is going on.

Some thoughts
The slow then fast behaviour, sound like caching getting flushed, i.e. while in the cache it fast, and when the cache gets flushed much slower.
But which cache?

Does the system have plenty of free memory?



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