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Okay, here's one we need Kim   [General]

By: Dan LeGate       
Date: Jul 30,1998 at 04:48

Chime in if you like this one... I think it would be REALLY useful.

Today I logged my entire wwwroot branch to see how big it was and to make a backup of it onto another drive.

Problem: when you have Frontpage extensions installed on your web server, you get tons of useless (to me) directories that I don't want or need to see. (other people using the server do use frontpage so I have to keep the extensions installed).

Anyway, here's my suggestion: Release all subdirectories in branch matching a certain character-spec. In this instance I would match on an undersco_* or _vti*

Another pain about these directories that start with an underscore is that Ztree can't "Jump" to it with a Shift-Key, so you manually have to move down the branch hitting minus to unlog all those directories. When you have tons of them, you start moving too fast and unlog a directory you didn't mean to. Ugh!

This ability would be SO great in my opinion. Anyone else?


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