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Wish: Unicode Viewer   [Wish]

By: Charles Schubach       
Date: Feb 17,2000 at 10:13
In Response to: Wish: Unicode Viewer (Ben Kent)

> You could get round that by putting a marker on
> the far right of the history list to show the
> state of the case and unicode options of the
> search.

May be it can be much easier, at least at the first step.
Let me explain it with the string "VERSION".
Before the [alt+i] function was added to ZTree I used
it very frequently to find out the version nos of the

Searching for VERSION did not work for obvious reasons.
Therefore I switched to hex mode and searched for:

56 00 65 00 72 00 73 00 69 00 6F 00 6E which stands for:


(underline is used here as spaceholder only).

You see I had to fill the search string with 00.
Of course the complete string was added to the history list.

For the new feature I would only expect the need to enter
the search string VERSION.
Additionally we would require a toggle function which only
expands the search string from
VERSION to 56 00 65 00 72 00 73 00 69 00 6F 00 6E

i.e. toggles from [search for text] to [search for hex].
I think such conversion from text to hex and v/v can
easily be implemented.
Once the search process is started the selected string
(text or hex) is added to the history list.

Such a feature would be quite sufficient for my needs, but
I don't believe it's what Andrew expects.
One would still have to open each file separately. I'm not
the programmer. Kim would have to decide whether it's worthwhile
and not wasting his valueable time to implement the same
feature also for a bunch of tagged files.

\ Charles

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