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Resizeable... plus Xtree Question & BUG   [Wish]

By: Michael Kahn       
Date: Mar 01,2000 at 04:41
In Response to: Resizeable... plus Xtree Question & BUG (Dan LeGate)

> While we're on the topic of the small file window,
> is there any reason that Ztree defaults to
> bypassing the small window access when installed?

Because functionally it is the most efficient, practical, and preferred way to set it.

> If the goal is to have Ztree initially behave as
> much like Xtree as possible (I don't know if
> that's really the goal or not anymore) then it
> should probably default to
> "SELECTABLE"...? No big deal, I guess.

XTG was not perfect (although IMO as close as it ever got under DOS) and in those cases where it can be improved with a subtle "tweak" such as the changing of the "small file window access" *default* it should be.

> It just threw me off the first time I used Ztree -
> I was glad I had the option to change it. Just
> couldn't get used to hitting enter only once for
> the full display, even though it's more efficient.
> Funny how our minds get so used to things that
> more efficient ways are less desired.

Your statement answers your own question of why the default should be changed from that of XTG. I would bet that you would not find more than 1 out of 100 that have tried both options that would not change it to "bypass". And that 1 person can always change the option - isn't Ztree beautiful that way!?


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