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Wish: Ctrl-Z to Toggle File Colors   [Wish]

By: Andrew Watson     Perth, Western Australia  
Date: Mar 15,2000 at 14:18
In Response to: Wish: Ctrl-Z to Toggle File Colors (Walter Rassbach)

It sometimes pays to search the archive before posting and in this case it did. I was about to post on using CTRL+Z to change the background color and I see that Walter has beaten me to the punch. I see that this is a restart of a previous thread. I didn't visit that thread to see if what I am proposing here was discussed there. If it was, I apologise for re-inventing the wheel here.

The train of thought that lead to this was the discussion of ZTreeers who have multiple instances of ZTree open and how they may get confused about which window is which.

I thought that if each window had a different set of colors, particularly the background color, this problem would be reduced.

This would require that ZCOLORS.INI be modified to store the window colours as well as the text colours. Multiple sets of colours would also need to be stored.

Then, I can see two ways that the colour changes for each instance of ZTree could be accessed:

1. If ZTree can detect how many instances of itself are running the first instance should use colour set 1, the second instance colour set 2 and so on.

I would also like to see the text on the window title bar indicate which instance of ZTree is running in that window. Of course, this information would also appear on the Task Bar button and while ALT+TABbing. Maybe the ZCOLORS.INI file could include a colour set name that users could define, like Server 1, that would be displayed instead of Instance 1, or whatever is decided the default text should be.

2. The second way of accessing the colour set for an instance would be through the CTRL+Z key. Each press of these keys would cycle through all of the defined colour sets.

Andrew Watson

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