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changing "my ..."   [Humor]

By: Michael Kahn       
Date: Mar 18,2006 at 08:52
In Response to: changing "my ..." (Brian Layman)

> Yeah, I did this but it is nigh impossible to get all software to respect
> it and some software, like mediaplayer, IGNORES the changed my documents
> route and goes at your expected path anyway.

At work (using XP) we set the Registry point the \Documents and Settings branch to D: instead of C:. The C: branch is still there, but the D: branch is the active one. The only app that I have that insists on pointing there is Outlook. When I save a file, I have to browse and the pointer is sticky, but only for the current session. I know that M$ is too arrogant to provide a config item to redirect this, but at least they should respect the user and retain chosen I/O paths between sessions.

I have heard that at least the "My.." has been dropped in Vista(tm). I wonder when the animated mut is going to be dropped from the Find window? Maybe this has been retained in honor of the ill-fated Bob interface that Billy's wife was in charge of.

> I just am not going to fight it anymore...
Screw M$, I will never conceed! Moving to Linux is the only option.


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