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[Discuss] Will Windows 8 support Console Apps ???   [Discuss]

By: Peter Geagea       
Date: Jun 05,2010 at 11:26

Given the way that Microsoft have decided to remove full screen text mode capability from Windows Vista & 7 (at least as far as I'm aware), and given the way they have made a wreck of Office, I'm wondering what will happen to ZTreeWin if console application support is removed from Windows 8 onwards??

I have been using ZTreeWin since 1997, and at this point, there is really nothing that comes close in terms of its capabilities and ease of use as a file manager!!

We'd all be stuffed unless somehow Kim can convert ZTreeWin into a GUI application. I think that would be a nightmare scenario, and given the enormous size of ZTreeWin's code, it could take about 2 years of full time work...

Would anyone care to share their thoughts on this matter??

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