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if 32 bit was super faster than 16 bit, why couldnt 64 bit be?   [Q]

By: Ryan       
Date: Oct 15,2016 at 12:11
In Response to: ztw.exe vs ztw64.exe (Ben Kent)

AA= xt 8 bit + math co-processor

BB= simple AT 16 bit 286 (without a co-processor, i dont know if you can put a co-processor with the 286 computer)

CC= 386 32 bit 33Mhz + co processor


AA= was quite as fast as BB= or maybe faster in mathematics.

but CC= was maybe 40 times faster than xt or AT (i forgot exactly, maybe 80 times)

people said 32 bit channels 2 times faster than 16 bit, so the data passing road got wider.

so then why couldnt 64 bit be much much faster and more than 32 bit?

i presume the 64 bit to copy 4 times( by 2-dimensional reading) faster than the 32 bit one.

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