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Copying it to %appdata%\ZtreeWin fixed it   [Help!]

By: Peter Shute       
Date: May 18,2020 at 22:18
In Response to: [Help!] History not saving (Kim Henkel)

> > It says "Unable to save C:\PROGRA~1\ztreewin\ZTW.HST", so
> it's still trying to save to where
> It's also where it was loaded from, so that;'s where it tries to save
> it.
> Try 'Moving' it to your profile directory (so it's no longer in
> C:\PROGRA~1\ztreewin after you quit)

I first tried copying ztw.hst to my %appdata%\ZtreeWin folder, and that fixed it, after a restart.

So it sounds like it saves it back to where it was loaded, and it will always load it from C:\PROGRA~1\ztreewin\ZTW.HST unless there's one already in %appdata%\ZtreeWin.

If that's how it works then the warnings about this in the zeta notes and beta.txt should really be reworded to reflect that. Or it should just do it like it says, which would be less of a struggle for users.

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