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A Z-Tree Challenge!   [General]

By: Brian Layman       
Date: Sep 21,2002 at 02:43

It's been a long time since I've found a file management task that Z-Tree couldn't handle in some fashion.

I may have found one but I'm hoping there is a workaround.

Long story short, I have Windows NT SP6a. I use Winternal's Fat32 driver/application to read my fat32 d: and e: drives. Winternals sent me a trial defrag tool. I knew better than to run it over lunch in the middle of the week but that didn't stop !me!. Anyway any fragmented files on my d: and e: drive are now unaccessable. Can't open/copy/delete/move.

Z-Tree allows me to copy and skip over errors where Explorer stops the process. I want to use ZTree to tag and copy all files /CREATED/, not modified, after a certain date. The other files I have backups of.

Any thoughts?

Hmmm... Maybe I could set the archive flag from DOS somehow and filespec on that? I could do that if I had XP... It seems like we should be able to specify the date that we want to use in the file listings or even just which one is used in the file spec. I don't know how to get ZTree to do that. I don't see it in the help.

If any one can solve this the ZTree forum can!

Thanks everyone!

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