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[rpVT] version A-23 released   [rpVT]

By: Rudy Penteado       
Date: Jun 16,2003 at 09:23

Dear friends,

The new version of rpVT A-23 is available from http://www.rpvt.com
A new utility program designed to operate under "Rcode,exec,.." was also released and it is included in the rpVT.zip pack.
"AddCRC.exe", how it's called, will stamp a file name with the inclusion of its 32bit CRC for identification purposes. Since the chances that two different filenames will have the same CRC are close to zero, this method will provide a very efficient form of identifying image files.
See FAQs on "Rcode,exec" and "What's New" for details.

The "Rcode,exec" command was changed to accept parameters like ZTree %1, %2, etc. This will give the command much more flexibility than before. That was a Liviu request in R Forum.

Best regards,

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