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Split Screen function request   [General]

By: Walter Rassbach       
Date: Jan 28,2000 at 15:41
In Response to: Split Screen (Kim Henkel)

When one is in a split sceen view with an (ctrl-)S/B/G file panel (especially one on both sides), one often wants to be able to set ZTree's "default path" to the path for a given file (the one under the cursor).

Right now, the only way to do this is to hit "\" to treespec to the directory and then redisplay the file window and then scroll to where you were before -- Moreover, even that doesn't work in a Branch panel...

I would like to propose the use of alt-\ to do this, setting the "default" directory to the path to the file under the cursor, without losing one's place...

A way of setting the OTHER window's default path would also be nice, but I'm not sure what key would be the correct one for this (maybe alt-shift-\ but that's iffy... another candidate might be alt-period (or greater_than)).

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