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[OT] Spam cleaning service for free?   [OT]

By: Laurent Duchastel     Montréal, Québec  
Date: Feb 16,2005 at 15:11
In Response to: [OT] Spam cleaning service for free? (Dennis Gatlin)

> I currently use www.Mailwasher.net which has a free download trial
> version.
> In conjunction I use http://popfile.sourceforge.net /
> However both fail your last comment. "Without having a software
> running on a system?"

Thanks for your suggestions. I'll check them. But as you said yourself, they don't exactly do what I'm looking for my colleague, which is more external server-side service rather than software. Also, my colleague is already very dependent on me (see thread 201% http://www.ztw3.com/forum/forum_entry.php?id=66223) and so newbie he still has big problem to copy a file and send an attachement. Despite going in many countries, he still doesn't know how to change the smtp address (even if I'll explain him a thousand times, at least) and he prefers to dial long distance from Vietnam or Gabon to Canada to check his email on his Canadian ISP rather than connecting with local ISP oversea!. $$$. You see the type of user? Running additionnal software on his system to filter email is definitively out of the question, as the Outlook filtering system is already pretty decent and I don't want to be responsible for him more than I am already. He already called me once an hour from Thailand to guide hime step-by-step to copy a file on a floppy. What he/I really need is a external filtering service that would work directly and automatically on his pop3 account without any assistance. Of course, that should normally be the job of the IT departement to configure their email server to filter spam, but as I explained, they do nothing about this.

Alternatively, I lobby my friend for another solution which is to buy his own domain and get total control on his email accounts. This would have some advantages, one being the automatic organization of his email box based on various email addresses he could give to his students (one email for each country). I have such disposition http://www.ztw3.com/forum/forum_entry.php?id=65912. The easy thing with nomonthlyfees.com is that once a global email forward is made, you don't have to create the email account for that account to be effective and be forwarded to main email account.

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